Edmonds Athletics and Activities Association (EAAA)
If you are a coach in the Edmonds School District, you are represented by the Edmonds Athletics and Activities Association. EAAA is separate from EEA, although we share many resources and work closely together. Membership in EAAA is not automatic—you must sign an enrollment form and if you are an EEA member it costs $14.00 a year. For non-EEA members, the cost is $122.25 per year. If you did not receive an enrollment form at the your school's coaching meeting, contact EEA at 425-774-8851 ex. 21 for a form. Nalin Sood, the head boys basketball coach and business education teacher at Mountlake Terrace High School, is President of EAAA. If you have any concerns or questions about your coaching position, do not hesitate to contact him at soodn@edmonds.wednet.edu.
Important Documents Contact Info Annual Dues 2023-2024
Contract 2022-2025 President: Nalin Sood EEA: $14.00
2023-24 Salary Schedule Phone: 425-431-5022 non-EEA: $122.25
Email: soodn@edmonds.wednet.edu